So the first month in this beautiful country with its even more beautiful people, has flown by! A good portion of it was spent on our exposure trips to other Visayan islands, Cebu and Bohol. I will be the first to admit I was extremely nervous going into the trips, because the objective was to understand and be in community with the rural and urban poor. My fears derived from how they would perceive us "Americans." I did not want to be seen just for the color of my skin because that alone has had us be recipients of special/ different treatment while being here. On top of that I feared voyaging without our trusty guides Dessa and Cobbie would also be quite the challenge. For all of us were just getting comfortable with the surroundings... But it was time for a challenge and we were ready- ok not really but we had to at least pretend.

There are certain things I saw and heard on these exposure trips that I cannot forget, even if I wanted to. The incredible smiles and the incredible strength, despite the every day struggles, are imprinted on my heart.
Some of those things are:
- A homeless little girl reached out and touched my arm. The very next day on the same street corner, an even smaller, sick child with tears in his eyes stood in my pathway and there was no avoiding him... But to have given them anything would be breaking Filipino law. It broke my heart more though.
- SO much raw meat!
- SO many stray animals!
- Ants and I will never and I repeat NEVER be friends!
- dry fish and rice, and some more rice
- "Hey Americano," " Helloooo friend!"
- Duncan ate python...!!!!!
- " in your country you are very rich..."
- hiking, climbing, and bathing in rice fields
- hours upon hours of being
- " Ate ( older sister) Shelby you are a good dancer."
- " Now a word from our visitors..." (Blank faces) They love to put you on the spot here, and it's not a matter of if, it's when. Whether it is a few words, song, or dance! It will happen to you and when it does you WILL make a fool of yourself, but you will live.
- day to day survival
- sun up to sun down = work
- Laughing our way through the hills of the countryside
- More community and love than I ever witnessed or recognized
Hoagie Haven for the win. But seriously, keep up the beautiful work.